Public speaking can be uncomfortable for some, but add a TV camera and it can be down-right terrifying. A well-trained brand spokesperson will be able to successfully navigate simple, complex, or even confrontational questions in any media interview. Not only will they deliver carefully crafted key messages with confidence, your fully prepared spokesperson will also protect your business, brand reputation, and profits.
The question is: If the media call, are you ready? The media training experts at Strategic Objectives have provided media training for high-profile celebrities, C-Suite Executives and Managers. Our proprietary media training programs coach spokespeople on how to prepare strong messaging, deliver interviews with confidence, and successfully integrate your brand in an editorial context.
Here are our Top Ten Tips To Conduct a Successful Media Interview:
- Be prepared and know what you are expected to talk about.
- Develop key messages that are short, memorable 15-second information nuggets that express your overall message in an interesting, impactful way.
- Understand the journalist’s needs and respect their deadlines.
- Give a series of positive messages and always be honest, ethical and credible.
- Don’t speak negatively about your competition. In fact, don’t waste airtime speaking about your competitors at all. Focus on your own brand message.
- Know your audience and avoid jargon your audience may not understand.
- Listen to questions carefully, and professionally correct false assumptions, or statements, immediately.
- Never say “No Comment.”
- Nothing is “Off the Record.”
- Beware of the open mic — once you are fitted with a portable microphone you are ‘on’ and the control room can hear you. Save private and confidential discussions for after you leave the building. Who can ever forget Donald Trump's big OOPs with Billy Bush, talking off-camera, but on mic at Access Hollywood?! It cost Billy Bush his job, antagonized women, and pushed the word pussy far beyond its traditional usage describing cats!
Are you thinking about hiring a spokesperson? Check out Strategic Objectives’ Essential Checklist for Enlisting a PR Spokesperson, here.
Would you like to leverage the media to share your unique brand story? Contact us at Strategic Objectives, we'd be delighted to help!