We are Original.
This means we believe in creativity and its power to change minds and markets. Creativity is the production of social surprise and we produce it by reimagining what’s possible, profitable and real. You can’t do this without being brave and bold.
We are Trusted.
We rarely talk about integrity, because we assume it in ourselves and others. The more trust there is, the stronger everyone and everything is.
We are Caring.
Our golden rule is Be Kind. Even when you have to be tough. But to be kind, you first have to care.
We Celebrate Differences.
When it comes to growing our clients’ business and our own, we believe differences present opportunities, not impediments, and that sweet are the uses of diversity. No surprise, then, that we're headquartered in Toronto, the world’s most diverse city.
We are Fun.
If you don't enjoy each other’s company, if it’s all work and no play, if laughing is a lost art, we’re not the place for you.